Friday, August 31, 2007


Circling the coils of chaos
As above, so below
Massive entropic ocean
Engender the fierce spirit

From its bloodied maw, its tail
Its graveyard of false assumptions
From a tail, to a rope, to a thread
From which we are hung
Fills my heart
To see you so
Happy eyes aglow

In one piece
After I broke you
How little did I know

No fear for you
Holding him
Soullfullness on show

Fills my heart
To see you so
Impervious to blows

Friday, August 24, 2007


Wet slide
Human hides
Writhing sheets

Bloody smear
Powdered cheek
Damp crevasse

Flesh prays
Animal sway
Silence runs away

Monday, August 20, 2007


He is dead
To me
And for him
I do not know
How to grieve

Perhaps that is
In part because
He has been dead for years

Not just to me
But all that bear
The shell
That stands
Before them

His drunken lies
Consumed him
The empty vessel cast aside