Wednesday, March 22, 2006

it cant be taken back

a hand against a mirror
eyes refelcting what isnt seen by anyone
a phone call shatters the still
shrilly calling out
the person on the other end wanting to be desperate
the issues contrived and bloated intentionally
there is no small in their life

the click as it is picked up
guilt and resentment reaching out for the handle
words drift out to ears that arn't really listening but closed up with the voice of regret
the fimilar words- "36 hours"-drift in and out- "how many times?"
larynx vibrates and vocal folds open to say "yes, i will be right there"
a sigh and then a click
the reciver returned to the cradle
sitting down immobile.


Blogger Information Sniper said...

I don't klnow why, but I found the part about the larynx and vocal cords to be ... grotesque, possibly? I don't know, very clinical though, which does a good job of communicating the sterility of the relationship in question. Also, the intense focus on the details; I take these as being the root of the failed relationship in question, perhaps too much focus on the details without due attention paid to the big picture?

The first two lines are really intriguing as well; are they supposed to mean that by the person "not being seen by anyone" that the subject of the poem self-relfexivly cuts his/herself down into a virtual "non-person"? Interesting.

7:19 AM  
Blogger Ultra Toast Mosha God said...

Why 36 hours?

I am intrigued

2:21 AM  

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